Our Covid-19 Update

ICL: A Lifeline in Times of Crisis

As the pandemic took hold of New York City in mid-March, ICL went right to work. We quickly put together a comprehensive plan to address Covid-19 and protect our clients and staff. That is not surprising — coping with the unexpected is what ICL does every day, throughout all of our programs.

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ICL’s Work During Covid-19

What did ICL do to cope with the pandemic?

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ICL’s Board of Directors generously supported getting special meals to staff working long, difficult hours.

Donations of protective equipment came from near and far. These donations remain important, as the pandemic shows no signs of letting up.

With the ever-changing coronavirus situation, ICL is doing everything we can to stay on top of developments. Our priority is to support the clients in our care and the staff doing this critical work while ensuring the health of the larger community.

We would appreciate any help we receive that will help us serve vulnerable New Yorkers during this time of crisis.

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